
Full membership in the CSBR is predicated on having a Ph.D. or Th.D. in biblical studies or a related field of study, participating in the life of the society, and paying annual dues. Associate memberships are granted to Ph.D. or Th.D. candidates. To become a member of the CSBR, please email your current CV and a letter of nomination written by a current member of the CSBR to Dr. Dong Hyeon Jeong.  His email address is:

Current dues are $15 per annum for full and associate members. The annual fee is waived for emeritus faculty, unless they wish to continue to receive copies of Biblical Research, in which case the annual charge is $2.50. To remain a member of the CSBR in good standing, please remit your annual dues by credit card through Paypal:


The annual dues entitle you to free dinners at the society’s regular meetings, which are usually held three times a year, and a one-year subscription of Biblical Research, the society’s journal published both in paper edition and online edition by ATLAS. As a regular member of the CSBR, you also have the privilege of presenting a paper to the society at the invitation of the Executive Committee.